Nice Shorts

Dr Fauci says he's hoping that we don't have another Coronavirus variant spike here. It seems to my admittedly uninformed eye that each successive variant is more contagious but less serious than the last one. Perhaps that's how these pandemics finally wear themselves out...when everyone has gotten it. People who have survived the the last two years without testing positive (that would include John and me) seem to be falling . We can at least hope that it has reached the endemic phase. We may never see the end of it altogether.

We staggered out of bed and into the office floor for our 8am Pilates. We were both in a state of disarray because neither of us knows where anything is anymore. This reached the height of absurdity last night when John was wandering around muttering under his breath until I finally asked him what he was looking for and he said his hearing aids. I was somewhat unsympathetic because of his tendency to take them out and leave them in random places, but also alarmed because replacing them would be so costly that he might decide not to do it, so I joined in the search.

In the end, they turned up right where they his ears! 'Just shoot me' he muttered. 'Don't tempt fate', I muttered back.

We did escape to Trail House for coffee and an interesting conversation with Bob about the state of the world, and why things never seem to change when it comes to the creation of tyrants and dictators and the inability of moral, ethical people to stop them when they inevitably abuse their power. Light relief was provided by the man in the note blipworthy shorts.

The Gustavos returned this morning and finished up the bathroom tile. David will come tomorrow and install the toilet and we'll be finito!  It's been more of an upheaval than I anticipated, but I'm sure it will be worth it when we can finally find things again. 

If any more renovations are in order I suspect they will involve more solar panels, a second storage battery and electric vehicle....and that is a long shot at this point....

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