What a grey day. We started our day at Arnside by the River Kent estuary. I’m sure on a bright day the views across the estuary would be lovely, but even in the rain and gloom it was a good place to have a wander.
We then headed to the lovely RSPB reserve at Leighton Moss. The rain stopped which was great and we had a good wander there, topped off by hearing bitterns booming. No sighting of them but we were delighted to hear them - something that’s been on our wish list for years.
Our final stop for the day was Sunderland Point - and what a strange but fascinating place. The tide was out sufficiently for us to drive across the causeway road. We walked along the seafront by all of the houses and marvelled at the people choosing to live there. I’ve put an extra up of there. We didn’t stay long as we were a bit weary and it was pretty chilly.

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