Sahara sky

Busy old day. After dropping Phin at doggy daycare I picked up a sneaky breakfast for myself and Mr PHL. I needed fortifying for the day ahead.

Breakfast eaten, I started to prep for the batch cooking I planned to do. In short order I had a beef casserole in the oven and chilli and spaghetti bolognese sauce cooking on the hob.

Onto tidying the wardrobe in the spare room and whilst I managed to find a few pieces for the charity shop, there are a few jackets and dresses that I hope to try to sell on a FB group I’m a member of on Sunday. If they don’t sell I’ll take them to the charity shop too. Mr PHL was persuaded to get rid of some suits, jackets and shirts along with his motorbike jacket and trousers as he doesn’t think he will go back to a bike in future.

After a quick bowl of soup for lunch I went onto tidying the main bedroom. Several items in the bag for the charity clothing bin and others ready for the charity shop along with several pairs of shoes and boots. I’m such a hoarder! Still some tidying to do but at least there is less lying about now.

Threw together teriyaki salmon with stir fried noodles and vegetables as I’d boxed up everything I made in the morning and stuck it in the freezer.

Managed to grab this sunset shot after the persistent rain finally stopped around 5. Phin has mostly slept since I brought him home, he’s always tired after running around all day at daycare.

A lovely bath and I’m set for the evening. Thank you for the recent favourites, stars and comments, very much appreciated.

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