Düsseldorf 2 / Rheinturm

I try not to take the Minx's instinct for a good bar or restaurant for granted. This morning her unerring sense led us to Schwan Café for one of those enormous German breakfasts consisting of bread, eggs, cold meats, and cheeses, all washed down with fresh orange and plenty of coffee.

Thus fortified for the day, we took a tram over to the Rheinturm (first Extra). Our walk from the tram to the tower took us past the three buildings designed by Frank Gehry, which look as though they  dropped in from a neighbouring dimension. (That's one of them in my min picture.)

As she had in Berlin, The Minx challenged her vertigo head on and we went up the Rheinturm to the bar that is 168 metres up. My second Extra is the view along the Rhine.

The windows in the bar are slanted, as you can see from my third Extra, enabling you to look straight down. I managed to do that but then some teenage girls came along and lay back on the windows to take selfies. Just watching them turned my legs to water!

After that, we took a stroll along the river, going past the parliament buildings that you can just see in the bottom right hand corner of my photo from the bar. There are loads of open air bars and restaurants along the side of the Rhine and they were all completely packed, as were the ones in what I think is the Altstadt district.

We had an enjoyable couple of hours mooching about, stopping off in one gorgeous old wood panelled for a beer and a very light lunch before settling down outside another bar to read and watch the world go by.

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