to see oursels as ithers see us

I visited the Post Office after work today and since it was a busy time of day I had to park way down the street. There's a house around the corner where the woman stands in her living room looking out and if anyone parks in front of  her house, she rushes out to harass them and to write down down their number plate. This has happened to me in the past and I was quite taken aback - there is no reason in law not to park there, it doesn't block her driveway and most people are only popping into the shop and then leaving again. I saw her berating a poor couple today and then after they left, her face staring out through the blinds. She looked really miserable and I wondered what had happened to make her behave in  this way. What a shame.

Sarah came into the cafe this morning as she is applying to work on the bank and it was strange to have her sitting there, watching me at work. It made me think about our different personas and how we appear to other people.

I took this photo when I was on my walk, after I'd done the shopping and put it away. It was nice to get out for some fresh air. I found an old piece of perspex on the verge and had a play around with it.

Joe is here for another night, which is nice. We've just had tea together - Sarah made a pasta bake before she and Jess went out to Mabie for a running club meet. I cooked up some buckwheat pancakes for dessert.

Time to relax by the fire now...I might start another jigsaw, I think..

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