
By DramaQueen


I had some of my French onion soup today; it was luuuuuuuurvely!

It drew admiring ‘mmmms’ from the rest of the team during our lunch break.
Note to self: I need to cut the onions a bit smaller in future as the strings are a bit too long even for my big gob!

Today has been much less fraught than yesterday; I have to remember it’s only my fourth day working there so it’s ok to be forgetful.

I’ve always had a knack for organisation, so I’m the yin to Linda’s yang; she’s organised in her own chaotic way.
Each day I’m learning something new that needs to be done, but I make my lists and work through them systematically.

One of the things we do is send a birthday greeting to our patients. This had fallen by the wayside a little, so now it’s in my hands, it will get done on time.
I spent the first 20 minutes this morning (I was early again), creating and saving the greetings for all of this week’s birthdays (we use Canva), so all I have to do now is attach them to emails and send. Simples :-)

DQ x

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