Back to basics

This photo and the following text is testament to how my mind is troubled by the current world events.

I fear the escalation of the war in Ukraine. Every time the propaganda or atrocity ratchet tightens another notch, the response is like a parent trying to get a child to eat vegetables. “I’ll count to 3: 1, 2, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 2.85, 2.851, 2.8517 ……”

At some point someone’s will breaks.

There is no comparison between being made to eat broccoli and the horror of starvation, bombing, destruction, injury that is happening. And the loss of life - on both sides.

At some point, though, the belief in certain basic values and the need to defend them will come.

I profoundly hope that the direct NATO/Russia military war will not be required and I am relieved I don’t have to grapple with deciding whether that point has been reached: i.e. when that red line is actually crossed and actually requires a military response. Our political track record on that is not exemplary. And I fully appreciate the massive consequences which might flow from deciding to stand up with military force to the aggression.

But at some point democracies will need to decide when the need to defend basic values and human rights has been reached. If not, we will have to live with the knowledge that we could not prevent the subjugation of one country and the loss of life, injury and devastation that came with that. And that other countries may follow.

On the home front, the bath is being prepared for re-enamelling with noxious vapours going down a tube - see extra. Seeing to rebuild something new from the old.

Meantime, 2.86, 2.8601, …….

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