Marvelling @ the Glass

The bliss of a hot bath last night and an even hotter shower this morning! We've warmed up and are clean after our chilly but architecturally rich stay in South Limerick. The weather continues grizzly.

One of the delights of travelling with R & F is that we all have different interests. Holy wells of course warrant a stop, as do grottos, random friaries, odd lumps and bumps in fields, coffee shops and churches!  Finola is becoming a bit of an expert on Irish stained glass and two rather unassuming churches from the outside proved to be full of the most amazing stained glass, the work of the Harry Clarke studio. Harry Clarke  is the most famous of all Irish stained glass artists and his work is truly extraordinary and instantly recognisable for its incredible rich colours, astonishingly sensuous figures and intricate details. These pieces were produced in the 1940s after Harry's  death, but his studio continued making class in his distinct style until the 1970s. We were stopped in our tracks. The overall panels are incredible but I just love all the tiny, often bizarre details, every inch executed with care and mad creativity. 

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