Nancy and Nate...on Their Very First Date

Alternate Title: Cleanup on 17th Avenue

The conversation went like this:

NATE: "Hi Nancy, my name is Nate. You want to go out sometime?"

NANCY: "Sure, what would you like to do?"

NATE: "We could soar in circles over the causeway and let the tourists think something is dead."

NANCY: "Any other date options?"

NATE: "I know where there is an osprey nest. We could pester the couple until they chase us away."

NANCY: "Nah. I'm kind of hungry. Know where there's any grub?"

NATE: "I'll give you three choices. There's some day old possum near Manatee Avenue, some 3 day old racoon on 17th Avenue, and some week old armadillo on 75th Street. You ever had armadillo? Once you get past the shell...that's some good eating."

Nancy chose the racoon, and I was there to document their first date. 

How did it go? Check the picture in my extras. I guess Nancy really was hungry, because she ate and ate. Nate couldn't stand it any you can see in the picture.

Once Nate showed,
that he's not good at the wait.
I'm going to wager...
there won't be a second date.

By being impatient...Nate sealed his fate,
and now he'll be looking for another mate.
Nancy thought his behavior was second-rate,
perhaps she'll return to her vulture friend Tate.

The moral of the story?

If you invite a pretty girl to a racoon treat...

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