Light shade.

Forgot to do my exercises yesterday so did them first thing this morning and then cleaned the kitchen ready for my groceries arriving.  I was really looking forward to them as I hadn't ordered any last week and was eating up all the stuff lying around.  Nothing wrong with it just a more limited choice and I was able to give the fridge a good clean.  Had a long chat with the young delivery bloke who was filling me in with the idiosyncrasies of other customers. He made me laugh describing one person who didn't answer the door when he knocked and rang the bell repeatedly. He was on the verge of phoning when the door opened.  "My shopping's wet."   So was he. It was pouring.  He was then told that a complaint would be made and compensation expected.  Nevertheless he enjoyed driving around and took whatever came calmly. Doubt if I could. Once the shopping was put away and I'd had some lunch I went to the local garden centre.  A few months ago they had a great selection of garden arbours but they've all gone.  I'll need to try the Kirkcaldy garden centre.  Bought compost and topsoil and some lettuce and tomato seeds and came home to continue clearing the arbour site. Dug up the remaining clumps which were Spanish bluebells as I thought.  I may replant some in a little area beside the house they won't be able to escape from.  They are pretty but spread like wildfire. By then it was tea and toast time and I was glad of a rest.  Why does my Hermes delivery guy always turn up when I am lying on the sofa ?  I bet he thinks I spend the entire day there. It was getting dark before I realised I hadn't been for a walk or taken a single photo.  Emergency blip time I'm afraid.  Don't know what I'll do about the walk.  Walk in circles around the sitting room maybe ?

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