New leaves.
Still cold but the sunshine is wonderful. A large part of my day was spent clearing the ground where I hope to put my arbour. Grass, weeds, stones and crocuses. The crocuses were replanted elsewhere and the stones will be put in the storage seat to help weigh the arbour down. Still got some clumps of what may be Spanish bluebells to dig up and then some levelling. My camera shy resident robin appeared to forage in the disturbed soil so I got a few shots and one or two of a bee. Remembered the honeysuckle puts out new leaves early so went to have a look. Broke off for lunch then walked round to the chemist to collect my medication. Met Julie. She and Harry got away overnight in their new mobile home at the weekend and are going to Braemar for two nights this coming weekend. I hope the weather is good. Came back and made myself start dusting so downstairs is now spic and span. Went back out to the garden for a while then it was time for tea and toast. That was when my witch hazel was delivered so it got unpacked and is in a sheltered spot next to the house to acclimatise. It's small and is a slow grower but it has some flowers so I'm happy. It made me think I should remodel another bit of the back garden close to the house with winter flowering plants. I wouldn't mind some more cyclamen and there are lots of beautiful hellebores.
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