
A much more successful day, an hour spannering on Alf's RX8 which has developed an annoying shake.

He was convinced it was coming from the back but it turned out (after I'd jacked the back up, taken the wheel off and had a good look around the rear suspension, diff and exhaust) that it was coming from the front.

One of the ARB drop links has failed (I know at least one blipper knows what I'm on about). I've told him to buy the part and take it to the local garage for fitting as it will only take then an hour and I don't want the pain of compressing the suspension while the car is on stands.

Chickens cleaned out and then a couple of hours moving stuff about in the garden. Felt very productive even if the only real result a bigger pile of grass cuttings. 

Of course when we are working in the garden we always have a Robin in attendance, I was pretty pleased with the shot, the last one before my Canon goes for repair tomorrow.

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