Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Posh lunch

It was my turn to take the service today as it will be for most of this month as the others who have volunteered to undertake this responsibility are away. It was nice, therefore, after ringing, to walk up to the next village for lunch. It was the first time I have been to this restaurant which has a very good reputation. The chef used to work in a Michelin starred restaurant in Belgravia and then moved to France to a restaurant down at the coast. She is now semi retired but still runs a small business. There is no menu as such. You can phone up with certain preferences but basically you get what she creates. It is always good. This dish was red mullet on creamed wakame potatoes with baby asparagus, lemon cauliflower and butternut squash in a yuzu sauce. All of our choices were excellent. Amazingly it was no more expensive than most of the other local restaurants.

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