Patchwork Day

The day started early, for me, answering the phone just after seven to be informed the delivery men would be there by eight o'clock. In fact they arrived at about 7:40, luckily I'd told Ann so she was up, showered, dressed and ready to greet them, I was just thinking of getting out of my pit.

This is what they delivered - actually what they left was a very large cardboard box, flat pack armchair, though it was only the legs that needed assembling to the bottom of the chair, it's just a shame they don't give any clues as to where the holes are (yes I know, one at each corner, covered with material!).

In the meantime the Boiler Man had rung to say he would be here just after twelve; at least that gave us enough time to go to Morrison's and put the chair together.

Boiler Man was coming because we've had to call them out again, must be five hundred times in the last five years (slight exaggeration, but it is lots). We had a leak, inside and outside so one way or another we would need diving goggles eventually.

I had to go to Evesham whilst he was still here struggling with diaphragms and the PCB. I'd been having some problems with my big toe and wanted to see a chiropodist (or podiatrist as they seem to be known as now - what's the difference?). Luckily, for me, what I thought was a rouge nail growing rapidly into the end of my toe was actually dry skin (still hurts mind) so did not require painful extraction procedures. Just a quick trim, file and pamper, plus a bit of padding seems to have relieved the discomfort.

Home in time for coffee at Nero, the end of a busy day.

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