
By Legacy

All Gone

My visit with the neurosurgeon couldn't have gone better.  After a few questions and range-of-motion tests he told me I could take the brace off, period.  He didn't need to tell me twice.  The X-rays revealed that my C2 fracture had healed properly and so there's no further need for the brace.  I don't usually hug doctors but I did this time.  Besides, he's eminently huggable and one of those doctors who really relates to his patients -- a rarity these days I find.  

Now I regret not posting a picture with the brace on for comparison but it was just too gruesome.  There was nothing even remotely attractive about it.  

I wore the brace 24 hours a day from January 3 to March 2 so you can imagine how liberating it feels to be without it.  From now on I'm going to enjoy a series of long, hot showers and hair washings and I'm sure I'll sleep more comfortably.   

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