
By Mindseye

A tough day

Woke up to a grey dreary day…. didnt do anything for my frame of mind!

Felt tearful from the get go tbh today, it being hubs birthday and all:-/

Went into the summerhouse, sat with hub for a while, left him a single flower stem. This song came on the radio……reminded me of happier times.

Thought I might go somewhere this morning but just ended up in Costa, had two coffees, did my Wordle but couldnt concentrate on Quordle so left that one for later. Tears kept on escaping, quietly, don’t think anyone noticed!

Popped to the shop for a couple of things, got home around midday, plan was to have lunch before work but ended up in floods once home, for a while. Had lots of messages off people telling me they are thinking of me, think it helps, but does make me very sad too :-/ Havent actually spoken to anyone today other than the shop assistant……

Daughter popped to see her Dad too, she also left him some flowers and some midget gems.

I have partially packed my things for my trip down South to visit hubs sis & family, think it will do me good to escape for a few days.

Hopefully my mood will improve tomorrow.

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