A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Terrible Twos

Yep, I’m now two years old, in blip years, of course. I may look older than my years, but I assure you I’m very childlike :) • As a blip toddler there’s much to look forward to between the second and third year. I’ll be driven to assert myself, to act independently, communicate my likes and dislikes, and, unfortunately, prone to tantrums. Put another way: I want what I want when I want it. LoL, will Blip (You) survive these next twelve months?!? • Of course I appreciate Mama justbe for birthing me, for bringing me into this big wide blip world; to MrsP for supporting me and cheering me on every single day; to those behind the scenes who nurture this unique and wonderful site; and lastly to the blip community, more specifically to my followers, for inspiring me, sharing life, and teaching me, through amazing images and words • Cheers to the Terrific Twos! :)

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