You can’t live on a view

“You can’t live on a view” was apparently said to my grandfather by his rather snooty sister-in-law when he retired to a cottage looking down to the sea at Spittal. This chap certainly didn’t manage to live on the view he has to our village

I met him at the “medical hub” for my long-awaited consultation with the MSK physio regarding my injured rotator cuff. The saga continues. This one re-diagnosed my problem as being a frozen shoulder. So all the exercises I’ve had up to now were ineffective if not actually harmful. I asked about the possibility of getting some ultrasound but they don’t do that now. Apparently this injury can take up to 18-24 months to clear. She couldn’t access the computer so tore a page from her diary to write down some new exercises for me. Some I got to try but others she demonstrated by hanging a belt on the door hook. I thought of another use for the belt on the door hook for her to try. I have watched prisoners in police procedural.

However the sun was shining so I had my coat off as I walked home the long way round. Only 2.5 miles but I still have my cough and phlegm. Still negative and feel ok but I’m saving myself for the walk we are doing tomorrow with our young friends who are a mere 60 years and a bit speedier.

Grim news from Ukraine. Completing petitions, writing to my MP who is a chum of dukes and oligarch, and donating. Feeling helpless.

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