take me to the river

tuff ole week to keep the smile on my face .. have been at the mercy political movemnets greater than that the houses of parliament,, its a game that im not much good at and loose every time...a friend of some 20 something odd years turned on us like a rabid dog. Why..new man in life,, now were surplus to requirements i guess. Had another tell us to my face denying something she was clearly guilty of , wouldnt mind but caused me so much problems at the time and i have been judged based on that. Another something happened this week from another quarter..seemed to be the week for it...found myself losing my religion a bit with people and finding myself saying why bother.... right ..thats purged that, deep breathe ..move on... three days off now ..and a change of job as of the 24th ,, better hours ,, better rosta,,temporary at the moment but will wait and see on that.. would mean more gigs , more band photography.,more opportunity..a rolling stone gathers no moss..

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