Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2618.View from Stanley Park

We hopped on the bus to go to Stanley Park and also visited the Aquarium which was very busy.  Had a great visit and then a wee wander around the park before hopping on another bus back towards our hotel so we could get some lunch.  It started off really wet this morning but it’s much milder than previous days.  It stopped just as we arrived at Stanley Park and so far hasn’t returned although the sky looks a bit threatening just now.  We taking a break at the hotel before heading out again for supplies for later…

I treated myself to a new long line fleece coat yesterday much to my husband’s horror as it was a bit on the expensive side…but I loved it and it will be well used…so why not?  Vancouver is a lot more expensive than we had previously experienced so I am being careful about my spending and not going too crazy!

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