Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

Potting on seedlings

I've had a busy week and was at a conference yesterday so I needed to catch up with work in the morning but fortunately, I enjoyed potting on my tomato and aubergine seedlings in the sunshine and feeding all the container plants in the back garden. 

I also gave the seedlings a drink of very diluted seaweed feed before putting them back in the warmth of my home office. The chilli seedlings are putting on slow but steady growth and enjoying the windowsill during the day and the grow lights at night. 

Just a bit more translation work to finish off and I'll be rushing to the allotment after lunch - so much to do already!

I'm glad it's the end of term and I'll soon go from having 2 jobs, volunteering work and the horticultural course to only the freelancing work, horticultural volunteering and horticultural training. This will mean a lot of gardening and a very happy Amandine!

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