Cars of "the other half" (or 0.01% rather)
Last month a delivery to a customer near Retford didn't arrive... DHL were able to tell us where they'd delivered it (a similarly named farm several miles away, with a completely different postcode), but weren't willing to go back and pick it up as we didn't let them know for over 7 days (we didn't know until customer texted me asking if his wine was coming...). So, having picked up replacements last week, and customer having returned from quick holiday in Dubai, today I journeyed over there to search for the missing wine and deliver to the customer...
Managed to locate the missing wine, and when I turned up to deliver it, customer and a couple of friends were hanging out in his garage - along with over £3m worth of supercars and motorbikes - McLaren in the foreground, purple Lambourgini back right, an Aston Martin, a few Ferraris... Very nice, and good to have him as a customer... but somehow I feel happier to be excited by my humble Alfa - the excitement must go out of it when you are so rich you can just buy whatever you fancy without batting an eyelid... when I arrived he was discussing his purchase today of a Porsche for £300K...
Better calls today, albeit no sales (other than a small sale of Burgundy to above customer...).
Started watching Expanse on Prime on recommendation of BGCoffee... not normally a sci-fi fan, but getting into this one... maybe enhanced poignancy as early episodes are clearly different combatants posturing in anticipation of war - though between Earth, Mars and Ceres plus rebel groups, rather than Russia and Ukraine (somehow events today are intensely shocking despite being anticipated for a while...).
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