
I went along to meet up with the volunteers at Tanfield Bridge, leading to a morning of litterpicking, step sweeping, buddleia pruning etc along the Rocheid Path. I extended my litterpicking as far as Inverleith Pond, since someone said it's currently drained of water. What a sight! The reason is for a complete replacement of the wooden walkway over the reed beds at the far end (almost completed now). There were several rather morose looking gents picking litter up from the base of the pond - one saw my litter picker and bin bag and was hoping I had come to join them! I would have done if I'd been wearing waders or even wellies. Still, I did a sweep of the path around the perimeter for them. Turns out they're members of the model boat club, that has been meeting there every Sunday since....Queen Victoria was on the throne! After that excitement, it was back to the Rocheid path and normal duties.

D cooked a delicious meal but apart from that nothing to report, due to spending a lot of time following the news from Ukraine.

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