Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Ray of light

I'm working on the trees and clouds at the moment.  I was up early (04:30) this morning for Mr T (code red as we call it).  He's had three dramas in 24 hours which is a lot, and all is being noted for the CHC appeal as they say his needs are predictable.  I had left it while I was getting him up and it's in the sitting room at the moment which overlooks the garden and gets the morning sunshine.  I wasn't going to Blip this today but the light just ticked the box.  I've added some extras of where I'm adding the details.  Had a FaceTime with Mum (she looks tired, but looks well) and said my poem made her cry for the first time.  She said it was because it was special and wants it to be written out and included in her funeral.  

Thank you to all the Blippers who are being so kind and supportive through WhatsApp.  I am truly grateful.

I had an "interview" this morning for a research panel for a caring and social care study which seems interesting.

Other than that, bits and bobs but no garden as I needed to order a spade!

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