Just can't resist them

Popped into the coop and saw these I just love hot cross buns toasted with butter and jam.

What a difference in the weather today. Still breezy but blue skys and sunshine and quite warm too. Now we are getting a lovely sunset the sky is going pink.

Managed to get all the glass cleared up and a temporary board in the greenhouse window fitted. There are one or two others that have cracks from earlier which we havent replaced yet but we are going to replace them with i think its perspex, the chap at the glass place recomended it except he called it the plastic stuff. Lol
A bit cheaper than glass and safer.

Went to look at St Aidens RSPB lakes all 4 are now just one huge lake along with a field that runs alongside one of them. I took a pic for my blip but the hot cross buns won.

It's nice not to worry about falling trees. We had a nice but soggy walk this morning. I think thedogs were happy, Molly was bouncing aroundl like a puppy and Tanzy wanted to play with her good sign that. I think they were glad to be out after it being so wet yesterday.

Seen some good pics and videos of our local flooded closed road, the water is very high and flooding much further this time. I mean what idiot drives through flood water when the barriers are across the road they deserve to get stuck.

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