Emily Clicks

By emilyclicks

Oban: Day 2

Come rain or shine...part 1

Breakfast. A feast to set us up for the day. We had a quick scoot round the War Memorial Museum before taking advantage of the sunshine by hopping on board a little boat for a trip around the area to learn a little of the history and hopefully see some seals. We were lucky. My photos were blurry, but DaveMadeThis got some cracking shots.

With the sun still working hard, we had a walk around the bay and up to some ruins which bore the sign "at your own risk". An unkempt ruin which was amazing to see if not a little unnerving in its unstable state and lack of gift shop! This stunning view is from one of the 'windows' of the ruin - a great view of the bay we'd just walked around.

Tonight we went to a seafood restaurant owned and run by local fishermen. It was my first time(!) and the live lobsters made me shudder! But I'm glad we went, it was a great experience - thank you Adam and Lisa :-D

A long but needed walk back to the hotel where we played card games in the lounge which overlooked the water.

Another perfect day.

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