Into Autumn

In the spirit of impending Autumn, Fall for our US friends, we set off this morning right after breakfast (His and MINE) and he had his woolly hat and Colombia Jacket on. I had my curls on.
I felt a moment of deep concern when The Boss stopped within 100 metres of home and took his camera out of his sling bag and changed lens. I was deeply concerned that this might be the end of the walk but NO we progressed with a full stickathon and big time K9 social activities with other dog folk that get kicked out early in the morning. There definitely was a chill in the air but it was not glove time at only 1 degree and rising. The colour is starting to show big time now with the cooler temps and we were spoiled for choice so I know it will be the same again tomorrow morning before coffee with the DIG team later which I don't go to (altho I could but I tend to see them thru the window and bark a bit)
So I will stay home and enjoy the sun instead after the Stickathon first thing.

Gotta fly now...Stuff to do.

Bigger Fall

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