Waiting for me (in the shed) yesterday when we arrived home was a big photo year book for 2021 which I had put together and sent off  before we left. I had not expected it to arrive so soon, such great service.

I  have made so many photo books of all kinds, including Blip Books, but this is the first time I have managed to put together photos for a recent year all in one book. I spent a lot of time on it and I am very pleased with it. The quality that you get with Motif is excellent.   

Looking through it reminded us of how we were this time last year - in Lockdown, using Zoom for family get togethers, only going out for essential shopping etc. It seems such a long time ago now. And two photos capture the excitement as we knew fibre was arriving in the village.

There was quite a bit of snow around at the time. Now we have sleet. I thought we had escaped the worst of the stormy weather, but looking out now at the wind and the sleet, maybe I'm not so sure. Certainly a good time to stay in and perhaps I should start a 2022 photo book and, if I keep up with it, it won't be such a huge task as last year's was. 

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