
I have got a bit behind with the flags/postcards at the moment - this was Number 5 with the theme of 'Trapped'. The suggestion was shells, but I wanted to represent Hythe beach so it had to be pebbles. Not easy sewing them on securely. 

A much calmer day today. We did a few jobs this morning and I booked tickets for the 'Words by the Water' book festival in Keswick in March. When I booked by telephone, I was told my account was in credit. I was puzzled until I realised that the last 'Words by the Water' was two years ago and just before the first lockdown. I remember we went for one day, but were not happy being there. This was the time when lockdown should have been started earlier, but 'someone' was dithering. We decided not to go for the other day we had booked and then I had a phone call to say the session was cancelled anyway. Hence the credit. It will be good to get there again this year. 

This afternoon I have been sewing. Gordon is in Carlisle at the football. I hope it doesn't start snowing, it does look a bit like it might. 

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