Four Years

Todays photograph was taken in 2018 and shows Joshua as a 17 year old on his Passing Out Parade at AFC Harrogate at the start of his new life as a Royal Engineer. He is top centre in the photograph, black cap, no glasses.
Here we are four years later, he is settled at Kinloss Barracks in the far north of Scotland, part of the “Army In The North” and still enjoying the life. The original enthusiasm has been tempered by what in military terms is know as “waiting for the bus” or “getting off the bus”, in other words a lot of routine with not a lot of action.
As I tell him; “be careful what you wish for”.

The rhythm of life, pre eye surgery, is gradually returning to normal although I sometimes wonder if the onset of my ‘senior moments’ has arrived. Last week I cleaned out the fish tank, new filter, new air stone, algae removed and a 50% water change. Tonight as I was feeding them I put my hand down on the tank surface and immediately thought; “that’s cold” it seems I forgot to plug in the tank heater after I’d finished.
The fish all survived and are a lot more lively, back to tropical rather than sub tropical fish!

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