Travel Challenge

We decided to leave The Dales a day early to avoid travelling during Storm Eunice. 

We managed to be out the cottage by 9am so we could let Lady Linda visit her mum before we left then hit the road about 11ish, stopping a few times to allow Bella to have a little run about. I even took her into a Service Station as there were no "Dogs not allowed" signs on the door, half expecting to be told off but we wern't!!

I make the journey a little more bearable, I made up a little list of things I had to find and photograph on the journey which is actually harder than you think squashed up in the back seat because as soon as you have seen it, its usually too late to capture it - plus Bella's window was covered in dog nose !!

I did manage to complete the list with the lady eating her crisps the last on my list that I managed to get near the end of my journey. It was very nearly just Mr W eating a Jaffa Cake but made the list rules anything outside the car!!!

Poor quality pictures but it was fun!

It was great to be back at Lady Lindas. Her house is huge and we have so much more room than in the little cottage and no mattress on the floor for me tonight!!!

We bought all the garden furniture in before we went to bed, ready for storm to do its thing. 

Here is the list I followed.
Someone eating
Written in the dirt
Personal Number Plate
Wind Turbine
The Golden Arches

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