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By InOtherNews

RIP Baroness Thatcher

I don't care what people think of her politics, Margaret Thatcher was a mother, wife and daughter to someone and her death should be mourned or at the very least her passing should not be a reason to celebrate. I know this being a Scottish website with creative, artistic types frequenting that I may be treading on toes here, but I don't believe all her policies were bad. The Poll Tax was fairly misguided and towards the end she began to believe she was some sort of monarch, but she did help pull this country away from the winter of discontent, as well as reversing the failing economy.

Whatever you personally feel history, will remember her as a great leader. A lot of people now own their own homes who previously could not. A lot of people aspire now to a middle class that was beyond reach in the late 1970's - I acknowledge some people have been left behind thanks to Thatcherism, but the devil she was not.

If you really think she was bad, perhaps try living under Mr Mugabe over in Zimbabwe...... Or Mr Amin in Uganda..... Or Mr Putin in Russia......

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