Hand on Heart

Happy Valentine's to you all. Danny and I had made each other a card - he'd drawn an old picture of us when we were first together aged 21!! He may or may not have discovered a gift for portraiture, ha! Highly entertaining!
We drove up to the Festival Club after school...the kids were tasked with finding and photographing as many hearts as they could. They seemed to really get into the spirit of it! Asha's planning on making a collage of all her pics and blipping it. You would not believe how difficult Danny and I found it to make a heart with our hands, so here you have a skew-iff version of one, ha!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny! We definitely have lots of things to work through (a lifetime's work?!) and lots of ways we need to grow and change, but I'm grateful to be on the journey with him!
2) Nate responding well to cuddles when he's been a grotbag today.
3) Special tea and family movie tonight.

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