Full time

A full and rewarding day.

I had lone time in the morning to get things done and then headed up to Oxford with Elbows.

We arrived at Rosina’s house where Elbows went back to work on Zoom and Rosina and I had the joy of :-) , catching up and then doing a school pick-up together. Her children are looking radiant and happy. Such a delight.

Elbows and I then headed to a pre-varsity rugby game to watch Dot.T play. She wasn’t expecting to play a full game but she did - and it was the 1st we’d seen her play in the first XV. And she scored a try. And she tackled and tackled and then tackled some more. Oxford won though :-( But it was a close game.

She was buzzing and it was wonderful to see. Just perhaps, she may land up in Twickenham, on the bench if not playing.

Then, as she headed off to post match stuff, we went to see my sister and her husband, who live not that far away. Really good to see them too. Wider family contact has been minimal through the pandemic.

And then back home. A full day.

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