Chair lift at La Villa

The brilliant blue skies and sunshine disappeared today. There was the threat of snow which didn’t materialise except for a few desultory flakes around lunchtime. The area could do with a good dump to cover up the bare mountainsides and freshen up the pistes. There none expected until Monday.

Today was meant to be a easier day! Ha! We walked from the hotel to La Villa, stopping for coffee at a Refugio overlooking a frozen lake where youngsters were playing ice hockey. We crossed a couple of pistes which was where todays blip was taken with the imposing massif dominating the background and the skiers providing some much needed colour.

From La Villa we retraced our steps of yesterday up the frozen valley to San Cassiano to the Surega lift where we had an excellent lunch at a very reasonable price.

Surega lift takes you up to the start of the toboggan run back down to the valley. A distance of 2 and a half kilometres along a winding pisted run dropping over 450 metres. It was brilliant. So much so that we did it twice. I suppose the sensation is similar to that experienced by skiers allbeit a little more stable as you’re sitting down.

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