Beautiful Day

Fancied a seafront walk today and drove eastwards to Thorpe Bay.  Nice and empty of people - Chalkwell always so busy.  Mostly walked Ginny along the beach while permissible until May.  She loves it and makes a change for her from allotment walks - even had a little paddle.  Went on to Gt. Wakering Boatyard - gates usually open but only one this time and signs saying Private Road so I walked up the dusty track which gave Ginny another walk.  She has discovered a new scent to follow....rabbits!
The bright sun and beautiful blue sky made a good backdrop to this Art Deco ex-Cinema building, now flats over a convenience store.  This a detail - will post another tomorrow.
Crazy night at Camera Club with poor and random judging which was expected from the guest Judge.  We have a decreasing pool of Judges to choose from for in-person Print Evenings.  We have experience of this Judge from earlier visits and hoped for better but sadly not the case.  I was pleased with 2 8's,  one  8.5  and a  9 but that still didn't get me a place in top 3!   Also scores too high for a repeat showing in another competition with a different Judge.  All the fun of a Camera Club!

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