peace and friendship

Luke and I visited the Peace Park at Hiroshimaa today. Everybody says that it is harrowing, and certainly there are some stories told at the museum which are difficult to hear. But what impressed me was the willingness to examine the causes of war and to work towards peace. There was no bitterness or anger, but a desire to make the world a better place.

People from all many countries send origami cranes in all colours and patterns which are displayed in the park. The ones in this photo had been made into long strings and were from different parts of Japan.

Yesterday, my best friend Annette died peacefully while I was away in Japan. She was looking forward to hearing all about this trip but we both knew that might not be
possible. This afternoon I went back on the ferry to Miyajima, a place of peace.

[ife is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away/i]

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