
By Legacy

The Visitor

I was awfully glad to see Skyler waiting in the yard when I got home tonight. Somehow I hurt my back and had to resort to an easy blip, or none at all. I can't figure out how I hurt myself because I didn't do anything yesterday but read but as the morning wore on it got worse and worse. I was able to get in to see my chiropractor in the afternoon and that helped a lot. Ice packs and a little rest this evening and crossed fingers that the worst is over.

Skyler lives upstairs with my landlords, so I call him my land-dog. I wish I had a dog, but since I work I don't think it would be fair so I'll wait until I retire and then rescue an older dog who needs a good home. In the meantime, I can always count on Skyler to visit and let me pretend he's mine for a few minutes. I can't get away with more than that because his owners adore him and come looking for him if I don't send him home in a reasonable length of time. He's the sweetest little fellow -- one of those wonderful, happy dogs who never seems to do anything wrong. Lizzie loves him and Snuffy has gotten over being scared of him, so everybody gets along fine.

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