Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

A meeting with Chomsky

I snapped this shot in the office of Noam Chomsky. Yes, Noam Chomsky (!) the great intellectual, famous linguist and political theorist. Unbelievably, I found myself invited by a friend on my last day in Boston to accompany him on a meeting with Chomsky at MIT. We talked of science and the role of education, world politics, and social change, especially for our times and our generation. He was a warm, smiling, generous, and kindly man in person and I am honored to have met him. I'm still giddy about it and soaking it in....

Before our meeting waiting in his office I found myself looking around and taking in where it all happens. Wondering where Chomsky gains his inspiration? What inspires him? These quotes struck me and say it all....

"To educate is to create a critical spirit and not just transfer knowledge."
~ Archbishop Oscar Romero


"three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong have governed my life: the longing for love, the pursuit of knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind." ~ Bertrand Russel

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