Flying visit
Not quite 'flying' as we had the big trailer, but Jon, Henry and I were up by 9, and after a cooked breakfast drove to Waterbeach, just outside Cambridge. There we picked up an unwanted washing machine and fridge freezer on Daniel's behalf from his cousin.
From Waterbeach we drove to Cottenham to see Jenny in her brand new house. She is settling well, but still has boxes to unpack. A nice catch up with Gemma too and we had some lunch before heading back home.
Jon and I have slumped in front of the TV all evening - we've just watched Don't Look Up. Not my usual choice, but a good film.
Fingers are still crossed, but so far the heating seems to be behaving. Now I'm just planning my Sunday, before I go to bed.
My photo is Rufio - he is lodging with Jenny until he can go back to live with Martin. He seems very at home here though!
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