Yesterday, my camera didn’t leave the house; today, I remain inside with it. Six Nation weekends always involve a large amount of television, and the weather makes any venture outside uninviting. Add to this, I wake up feeling less than well, so the sofa’s been my home for most of the day - a shame as we have Daniel and Solveig with us for the weekend.
Congratulations to Ireland who played excellent rugby; Wales were, to put it mildly, poor. When they play well and fail to win, I’m always deeply disappointed - but not today; they got what they deserved, and I just hope they can improve by next weekend. Congratulations to Scotland, commiserations to England - that was a much more even battle.
Blipwise, my tulips come to the rescue yet again. They’re even less ‘complete’ than yesterday, the table littered with discarded petals. Still, I find one that is holding on determinedly - another yellow that I decide to edit black and white. Technically not silver, but, using poetic license, it’s a companion piece to yesterday’s ‘Gold’ - and best viewed large!
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