Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Last rays of the sun

Patrique has fixed his van while we have been away so I was able to get my usual combination of fish and shellfish at the market. The summer moules de bouchot have given way to Irish mussels which are nearly as good. Later in the morning I joined friends for a birthday party and there was plenty of coffee and cake and plenty of catching up. A lot of us have received 'live' forms from the international pensions department which need signing and witnessing by a local official to prove that we are still in the land of the living! One of our number is the Maire of the village of Py so she brought her official stamp along and made the job easy. I watched the rugby in the afternoon before ringing the Vernet bells for the first time since our return. This was the last glimpse of the sun before the sun set behind the mountains on the other side of the valley.

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