
My camera club's next competition theme is 'Technology'. I've had plenty of time to think about this, and I have thought, and thought, but the more I thought the deeper and deeper into the abyss I sank! Decided to give this one a miss. Then Kathy (chantler63) suggested I use something of me using the way I've kept in touch with the Grands over these past 2 years. SIMPLES! Brilliant idea, thank you. As the deadline is tomorrow I had to get something today. 

This isn't the image I'm using in the competition, although it is my favourite. We're always told the judge doesn't know the efforts you've gone to to get an image, and this image reminds me how difficult it was to get .... The light was fading (very late in the afternoon) I was trying to read a story, shake my head so the earrings would jingle about, prompting explinations of "Oh Nanny", and take a picture without it looking like I was taking a picture! AND get it in the frame. Hayley sent me a photo 'From the other side'. Which I've included as an extra.

Found something unlabelled  in the freezer. Looks like it's curry for tea tonight!

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