Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Week Three

This is the third Friday for this bouquet.  Most of the flowers are close to their end, so I doubt they'll make it to week four.  Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Fridays!

We had a surprise visit from the granddogs today while their mom went to her office to meet some people.  It's so funny when Becky brings them over.  She says they start getting really excited when they make the first turn toward our house.  Then she texts from the driveway and PD opens the front door and I open the back door before she lets them out.  Once the car door is open, they come flying into the house, up the stairs, through the kitchen and out the back door.  We've learned to keep Piper and ourselves out of their way!  After they run off some of their energy, then they come in to say hello.  

I am grateful that the boys are as sweet as they are energetic and we eventually had nice cuddle time with them - once they tired themselves out. :-)

One more reminder that I'll be hosting Silly Saturday tomorrow in memory of Admirer and I'm really hoping for a big turn out.  Remember, silly is in the eye of the beholder, so anything goes!  As Admirer always said, "I am looking forward to find the silly, funny, absurd and hilarious pictures in the gallery(ies)."  
The tags will be SilSFeb2022 and/or SilS279. :-))

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