Birthday Girl
Slept heavy, woke at 8.40……had to really rally myself to get going, despite having a lunch date.
Breakfast before my shower, hair and got ready to leave 11ish. Traffic was quiet, arrived earlier than expected, no guesses where I ended up lol. I thought we were due to meet for 12.15, but it was 12.45 when I checked! By the time Id finished my coffee and drove to the lunch venue I was actually 5 mins late!
The girls all gave me some stick as Id said I was so early lol.Two of our group of 8 couldn’t make it today to celebrate K’s birthday. Todays blip is the 6 of us, with our main courses…..and lots of lettuce, which made us laugh ! You each get a wedge of lettuce with your main, its more like a third of a whole third of an iceberg! We were at a Miller & Carter, it was all very nice!
We didn’t leave until after 4, then we said our goodbyes until next time, which will probably be 3 months or so. J went off to catch her train back to Bangor it Wales….she messaged at 20.45 to say she was just home, thats proper friendship right there :-)
I dropped K off at home then drove home, rush hour wasnt too bad. Stopped off at Morrisons to pickup some things for our Christmas Day dinner on Saturday ;-)
Just had a snack this evening whilst watching the last episode of The Teacher, really good.
Still feeling a bit empty and flat……but no tears which is odd.
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