
M's ??th birthday. 
We had planned a trip up to the north of the county and the big city... Carlisle, but heavy rain was forecast so we changed our mind. 
The sun was shining here so we decide we'd go off somewhere and set off. As we reached Ulverston it was misty and raining so we aimed for Hawkshead. 

Id forgotten what the road was like. In places it is quite narrow. There must be some law of physics that says " When a car is at the narrowest point in a road it will meet  the largest tanker possible"  
We met it, as it came round the bend.
 I had to very carefully  reverse , not very relaxing as there was a slate wall and a metal road sign jutting out. Somehow the tanker squeezed past. 

We drove on and then had to stop as there was a huge van trying to do a 3 point turn.. no doubt the driver was regretting coming that way. 
We d almost reached Hawkshead when a huge tanker with large cement mixer came  towards us, again at the narrowest point and again I had to reverse. 

Other than that the road was quiet. 

It was quite upsetting to see so many trees that have been felled by the storms.  Grizedale forest was closed off to visitors because so many trees are still in danger of falling.

We finally reached the village later than expected.. just as the rain stopped.. We decided against the usual walk round the back of the village and across the fields as it was wet and muddy and we didnt want Fletch to get too dirty as we were planning to go in the Dog Friendly cafe.
We strolled round the church and the village  which was very quiet. The 'dog friendly cafe had gone but there was a new place where the 'Peter Rabbit' shop  used to be. It was quite pleasant and not too busy when we went in. Just as we were about to leave a lot of people arrived so we timed it right. 

As we drove over to Coniston  there was more evidence of  felled trees  . The wind must have been ferocious in places.

We ended up coming back along the coast road and as the sun was trying to come out we stopped and had a long walk along the beach which delighted Fletch 
It had been a very high tide and the sand was smooth and unspoilt.

Not a bad day in the end.

Blip is of the weather vane at the top of the church. Extra is a collage of Hawkshead 

Typing this on my new laptop. .. just realised that Ive been only typing on my tablet with my right hand. I need to train my left hand.

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