Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Digging Out

This is the only photo I took today.  It was through my front window with my phone, but I thought it fit the nature theme of Wide Wednesday today.  Mother Nature has made it look more like Minnesota than Colorado!  Many thanks to BobsBlips for hosting!

We got about 9 inches of snow overnight with below freezing temperatures all day, so the snow was light and fluffy.  PD insisted on doing the shoveling even though the kids had called and said they would be over to do it.  My back hasn't been quite right since my fall last week, so all I could do was stand at the window and make sure he wasn't working too hard.  The tracks at the bottom of the image were made by me when I went out to fill the bird feeders.  This is unusual for us to have another storm before the snow has melted from the last one.  The poor little birds depend on the feeders!

I am grateful that there are no more storms in the 10 day forecast....not yet anyway.

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