
3years 168days

Fun day today! Katie and I pottered at home on our own for a few hours. We did a bit of online shopping together - she likes being able to pick things from the internet for herself! Mid morning, Sarah and Karl came to pick us up. We tried to do a few jobs that didnt go to plan but it was lovely just to potter together. Katie then had Lydias party at the soft play centre. She had some really lovely time playing with Lydia, some snuggles with Mummy when Lydia went on things that scared Katie. When it came to the tea time, at this venue the party child goes to the front of the line, picks their two best friends and then sits on the "party throne" with their best friends beside them. Katie was chuffed to bits to get to sit next to Lydia. As they were finishing the party tea, Sarah and Karl arrived to pick us up. Sarah seemed keen to go for a play so her and Katie went off for a while!

After the party, the four of us headed off for a drive to find somewhere to enjoy the sunshine. We ended up at the Humber Bridge Country Park. Katie had a really good run around the play park. Many times. Round and round. We walked through the trail. She decided we were going up the hill and that i was the bear who was chasing her. She ran all the large steps! We explored at the top, found logs to climb, treasures to gather and daffodils to smell before we headed back down for more of the same in the park.

We packed up and all headed for a carvery meal, an early birthday celebration for me from Sarah & Karl as they're not here on the day. A good meal! Carvery for all (minus roast for me the veggie) and then super big and yummy puds. Yumyumyum. Little miss Katie did as I expected - fell asleep within seconds of being in the car.

Four years ago today, I "saw" Katie for the first time. I fell in love. How life has changed. It feels so long ago but yet I cant imagine life without her

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