Happiness is…

..receiving an unexpected gift. Sunny with a high of 39 deg F and an expected low of 28 deg F. We had no plans so we got up, did a bit of house cleaning and enjoyed our morning. We found out late yesterday that hubby’s April trip to Greece has been delayed again, this time moved to 2024. He had his last PT appointment-Yahoo. I deleted some old e-mails, duplicate photos and messages off my cell. My sister and BIL spent their morning+ putting away our mother’s Christmas tree, decorations and some gifts. Our mother made vegetable soup to share with the kids so we headed to get it. Once we arrived, it was easy to see she could use a bit of help with paperwork. I washed up her dishes while hubby sat with her as she went through each envelope and letter. He set up a filing system with folder pouches I’d given her last year for that purpose. We were delighted she let us assist as she’s been such an independent person. She couldn’t sincerely thank us enough so we’re going to make this a monthly event. While we were there, the FEDEX guy delivered this huge package of paper towels. I decided to use this photo to share the sheer delight it brought to her. And it could have been one roll of towels. The point is, you have no idea the joy you can bring someone just by letting them know you care. The giver was my nephew and the son of a fellow blipper. D knows how much she loves chocolate raspberry coffee so he makes sure she never runs out of beans. Since COVID made some items scarce, D and his wife have kept Momma in paper products. I sent him this shot so he could share the warmth we felt looking at Momma’s unguarded happiness. We finished our task and headed home around 8:30 pm to have dinner since our refrigerator is full, thanks to others who enjoy giving. May you also experience the happiness from giving and receiving. Thanks for the visit. Only 54 new COVID cases reported yesterday, typical low figures on the weekend. Take care. “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” – Maya Angelo

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