Up and down

We delivered meat to Sim , had a cuppa and, of course, a cuddle with O who was happy as Larry if a little snotty.

From there we popped into Farnham for a walk around and a coffee and bun. But the real reason was to get provisions for Bex but she didn’t want anything. I grabbed her a couple of bits from Waitrose including some daffs. Picked up a hot chocolate from Starbucks and walked back to hers and sat in the garden (she tested negative this morning). She said she’s feeling better but is absolutely exhausted and is sleeping quite a lot. That’s not a bad thing.

I’ve been doing the bird count over the last couple of days and I think the tits got the memo as it was like Piccadilly Circus out there yesterday afternoon. I reckon I could have easily had more than I’ve recorded.

1. Magpie
1.  Blackbird
1.  Jay
1.  Robin
2.  Pigeons
2.  Chaffinches (female)
2.  Dunnocks 
2. Nuthatches
4.  Parakeets
4. Great tits
8+  Blue tits

I also forgot to mention yesterday that O had his first hair cut . Aww.. extra. Oh and main blip is looking up and down the Lion and Lamb, a little cobbled arcade in Farnham.

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